About Us

How do I find someone like you back home?

Photo Credit: Andrew Kilfeather Photography

That was the question I asked my Dublin-based personal trainer when I got the news that I would have to move back home to the Sligo.

The answer? A snort of laughter, a slow shrug, and a "sure just go on social media."

Little did I know that my innocent enquiry, and the answer it provoked, would spark the idea for the website you're currently reading.

It's been some journey getting from there to here. Long days and even longer nights, false starts and backward steps, great highs and black hole lows. But all of that was worth it to be where we are now, Ireland's largest fitness platform.

By the clients, for the clients, and dedicated to providing you—whether you're a first-time gym goer, a perpetual dieter, or even a more-experienced fitness enthusiast—with everything you need to easily find a fitness facility or fitness professional be it a class instructor, personal trainer, or even a coach of one or multiple sports.

The Gym Advisors can help you whether you've been:

  • Looking for a gym that's close to where you are. Check out our fitness facility map
  • Told by your doctor that you need to lose some weight? Find a personal trainer who specialises in GP referrals
  • Recommended a top-class facility or fitness professional? Read their reviews right here

Yours in fitness,
